Breaker Rock Beach is here!
VBS Schedule
June 2- Arkadelphia Aquatic Park 5-7pm
June 3-5- Second Baptist Church 6-8pm
SBC Kids at Second Baptist Church
At SBC Kids we want to see kids and families grow in their faith and have fun doing it. We do this by partnering with you as parents to be the primary disciple-makers in the home and providing you with resources, which you can learn more about below.
Weekly Activities

We will have nursery and small groups available for kids Birth-5th grade. Come to the Check-in Desk located in the lobby, and one of our volunteers will check in your kids and walk you to the age appropriate room.

We will have nursery and Kids Worship available for kids Birth-Kindergarten. Come to the Check-in Desk located in the lobby, and one of our volunteers will check your kids in and walk you to the age appropriate room.

Camp Sweet Hill gives kids the opportunity to dive deeper into the Word of God and develop a foundation of Biblical truths. We desire for Camp Sweet Hill to have that camp-like feel by having fun and studying God's word. Your kids will experience missions, Bible Drill, and Bible Study.
Our Check-in Procedures
For all SBC Kids' activities, check-in at our main Children's Building entrance desk. Your family will be greeted by one of our trained volunteers at our Check-in Desk. Your child will receive a name tag, and the parent will be provided a secure check-out sticker.