Spring Retreat 2021
April 24, 2021 8:30am - 9:00pm | Camp Winnamocka
We are headed just outside of town for a one-day retreat at Camp Winnamocka! Our theme for this retreat is “Fool’s Gold: Real Faith in a Fake World”. We will be discussing what real Christian faith looks like by examining Romans 12:1-2. What does it mean to follow God? How does Christianity shape every aspect of our lives? This is what we are hoping to find out during this time together.
We will have an entire day jam-packed with awesome activities, food, small groups, and worship services! Some of our exciting activities include:
- The Swimming Hole
- The BLOB
- Giant Water Slides
- A Treasure Hunt
You will NOT want to miss out on this incredible time together! The cost is $35 a person, and your registration includes two meals, a t-shirt, and the cost of the facility usage. Make sure to sign up below!