Welcome to Our Plan of Multiplying Disciples!
Jesus said, "Go, make disciples of all nations..." It's a bold, important task; however, many have struggled with an achievable, reproducible plan of accomplishing it. The following is our plan for multiplying disciples that will take you to the "upper room" of spiritual living. As you agree with accountability to take this journey, you and your group will be changed, and you will be playing a vital role in God's Global Kingdom growth. Over the years, as we continue to divide and multiple all Core Groups, these groups will be established within churches nation and worldwide. Thus, this is not merely a Second Baptist Arkadelphia ministry. We pray you take this model to any future church you attend. We especially pray college students, who will be leaving Arkadelphia to follow God's calling upon their lives, will take this model with them and personally apply it wherever God leads them. So, strap up and join the mission of Multiplying Disciples worldwide!
A Core Group Leader brings together four people (including self) to draw closer to Jesus through intimate, spiritual conversations and authentic community with an intent of multiplying disciples.
The Core Group Leader selects a mature partner to entrust (2 Timothy 2:2) their Christian faith together into two young believers over the course of one year. (There will be an optional second year.) Thus, each group joins two mature believers with two young believers or seekers (who are preferred to be but not limited to ages 16-30 with emphasis on college). This model is inspired by Jesus’ instruction of sending out his followers two by two. (Luke 10:1-2) And, it’s the example of the early church when they prayed over and sent out Paul and Barnabas, and later Paul and Silas. (Acts 13:1-3; 14:40)
The group will meet at least once a month to address targeted topics essential to spiritual growth. At the conclusion of the 1-2 years, members of the group will begin a new Core Group and repeat the process.
The primary intent of the group is to multiply disciples, so before the group begins, ALL four members agree to start new groups as soon as their current group closes. Each January during a worship service, we’ll pray over and “send out” the two mature leaders in all Core Groups as a show of affirmation, empowerment, and importance to multiplying disciples at Second and beyond.
Here is a checklist of responsibilities for the Core Group Leader:
1) Complete the Core Group Leader Registration.
2) Download the Church Center App and connect to Second Baptist Church Arkadelphia.
3) The Core Group Leader will select a mature partner and then ask or be assigned two younger believers in the faith. (Same gender.)
4) The Core Group Leader will communicate with the group members to organize a meeting time for the group once a month.
5) The group is committed to meet at least once a month for 12 months. However, some groups may decide to meet more than once a month, and there is an option for a second year of targeted trainings to walk through if desired.
6) The group agrees upon a daily devotional or Bible reading plan to finish together. Discuss spiritual growth from personal readings at each meeting. Free Apps are convenient. The Bible Recap is an excellent choice.
7) During each Core Group session, the group will read the provided Scriptures pertaining to a spiritual topic and answer the 5 piercing-heart questions to more deeply abide with Christ.
8) After discussion, the Core Group Leader will guide the group in prayer based upon the group needs.
9) Extra Personal Studies are provided each month. On your own time, listen to the suggested sermons, teachings, and/or read the articles to draw closer to the Lord concerning that related topic.
10) Consider texting, calling, or emailing your group weekly to encourage each other.
11) When the group agrees to stop meeting after 1-2 years, each member agrees to repeat the process. Options for starting new groups are:
a. All four group members start four new groups. (This is the likely option if college students move away.)
b. Each mature believer partners with one of the young believers and starts two new groups. Those two new groups will add two new young believers to each group. (The church will seek to assemble a list of young believer candidates.)
12) During academic summer and winter breaks, please continue to meet with your groups via Zoom or another virtual platform.
13) Though we’ll emphasis starting your group in January, groups can be started throughout the year.
14) Near the end of each month, our church’s Administrative Assistant will send to the Group Leader an email requesting your feedback on whether or not you met that particular month.
15) Do not add people to your group. Four is plenty for what we aim to accomplish. It’s better to start new groups than add people to groups.
16) Group members agree to make this is a safe place of confidentiality.
- Download and use our Church Center App for guidance and to find a link to this webpage.
- Pray for humility and insight before you read, allowing space for the Holy Spirit to speak to you through reading God’s Word.
- Ask if everyone has stayed faithful in their personal, daily Bible devotional readings. Share what you learned.
- Allow each group member to report on their specific “action to obey” (Question #5) from the last meeting. (Start in second month’s meeting.)
- Read out loud and meditate upon the provided Scriptures.
- Answer together the 5 piercing-heart questions.
- Four Scripture readings are provided each month.
- If you meet once a month, read and meditate upon all four Scriptures; if you meet twice a month, read and meditate upon two Scriptures; if you meet four times a month, read and meditate upon one Scripture per week.
- Encourage the usage of the current month’s “Extra Personal Study” resources.
- In closing, pray the Spirit would empower you with courage to joyfully obey God as you abide with Him until your group meets again.
Some Core Groups may include 1-2 unbelievers instead of young believers. This is very desirable! If a Core Group Leader aims to include 1-2 members who are not committed to Christ yet, here are some guidelines.
- Make sure your co-partner is a strong believer who understands the mission to win them to Christ. Pray together for the Spirit to open their minds and hearts to salvation.
- In selecting unbelieving group members, identify your Crowd Cloud. (or as Heart & Four Fields describes it, your oikos, meaning household.) This means, prayerfully consider inviting those to join you who you already have a relationship with, such as co-workers, neighbors, family, etc.
- When the Spirit identifies who you’re to ask in your Crowd Cloud, simply invite them to explore God with you in monthly lunch or coffee visits.
- Proceed in leading the group as instructed with any Core Group; however, greater patience is needed as the Spirit draws them to a commitment to Christ.
- Be prepared to explain the gospel with a plan. A suggestion is to use Three Circles, which can be downloaded by using NAMB’s “Life On Mission” App. Click the following link for a brief online Three Circles evangelism training.
- Be clear in saying participating in the group doesn’t make them a Christian. Believing in Jesus and surrendering to Him as Lord makes them a Christian.
- When they surrender to Jesus, share the news with a pastor to talk about baptism, spiritual growth, church involvement, and continuing to multiply disciples.
The 5 piercing-heart questions are to be answered after reading the provided Scripture(s) for the meeting. These questions are created to move Biblical truths from your head, to your heart, to your hands.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action and share the result in your next gathering.)
Purpose: To ignite joy in private Bible reading.
Read: John 14:15-24; Psalm 119:9-16; 1 John 5:1-3; 2Timothy 3:14-17
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.)
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- A Bible Reading Plan to Help You HEAR From God (4:17) – Robby Gallaty
- How to Study the Bible (4:33)
- How to Find Gold in God’s Word: Reading the Bible with Supernatural Help (53:34) – John Piper
- How to Read the Bible for Yourself – John Piper (Article)
- Basics for Reading the Bible (36:06) – John Piper;
- Believe God (36:23) – Louie Heard
- Beginner’s Guide to Studying the Bible (36:09) – Craig Groeschel
Purpose: To abide with God through prayer.
Read: Daniel 6:6-24; Matthew 6:5-15; Philippians 4:4-9; Acts 4:23-31
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- Prayer Vocalizes Our Abiding in Christ (45:47) – John Piper
- Daniel’s Prayer (37:29) – Louie Heard
- Jesus’ Believers Prayer (35:26) – Louie Heard
- When God Shakes the House (51:53) – Jeff Schreve
- How to Pray Series – RC Sproul
- How to Pray (41:14) – Matt Chandler
- Praying in the Closet and in the Spirit (53:03) – John Piper
Purpose: To abide with God through gospel sharing.
Read: Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:14-16; Acts 1:6-11; Romans 10:11-17
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- Download NAMB’s “Life on Mission: 3 Circles App” and review it using this link: Three Circles presentation (3:36min)
- How to Share the GOSPEL in 5 Minutes! (5:05) – Greg Stier
- Cast the Vision Part 1 (36:03) – Greg Stier
- Whatever it Takes Part 2 (34:45) – Greg Stier
- Sharing The Gospel Of Jesus Christ (25:48) – Adrian Rogers
- Getting to the Gospel in Your Conversations (36:44) – Dr. Matt Queen
- Advancing the Gospel (36:00) – Louie Heard (Start at 24:22)
- How to Start a Gospel Conversation (8:53)
Purpose: To entrust the gospel of Jesus in others and teach them to do likewise. (Agreeing to pass on this model of discipleship.)
Read: Matthew 9:35-38; 2 Timothy 2:1-3; Luke 24:44-49; Luke 4:42-44
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- What Is Discipleship and How Is It Done? (9:25min) – John Piper
- Every Disciple Making Disciples (1:00:10) – David Platt
- Biblical Basis of Missions / God’s Heart for the Nations (6:27)
- Introduction to the 4 Fields (5:58)
- Simple Overview of the Four Fields (7:38)
- 4 Fields Discovery Tool (5:42) – for group study
Purpose: To identify who is in control of your life.
Read: Luke 9:23-27; Matthew 10:32-39; Romans 10:8-13; 1 Timothy 6:11-16
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- The Meaning of Losing Your Life – Got Questions (Article)
- If You Abide in my Word, You Are Truly My Disciples – John Piper
- The Lordship of Christ – Francis Chan
- Lordship of Christ – Adrian Rogers
Purpose: To know the Spirit and how He helps.
Read: John 14:15-17; John 16:7-15: Romans 8:9-11; Acts 5:27-32
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- A Lesson about the Holy Spirit – Louie Heard
- Whoever Blasphemes the Holy Spirit Has No Forgiveness – Louie Heard
- Article from Crosswalk;
- When the Holy Spirit Speaks – Adrian Rogers
- How to Seek the Holy Spirit – John Piper (If time is limited start at 39:43)
Purpose: To affectionately love truth through joyful application.
Read: 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12; Psalm 33:4-5; 1 John 3:16-18; John 14:21-24
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- The Last Days (1:00:00) – John Piper (start at 46:00 if you can’t watch all)
- Are You Holding Firmly to the Truth (51:05) – Jeff Schreve
- Do Not Love the World (40:19) – Voddie Baucham
- Love Jesus More Than You Love Anything (12:13) – John Piper
Purpose: To be sanctified through conquering cancelled sin.
Read: Romans 8:5-8; Romans 6:5-14; Colossians 3:5-14; Ephesians 4:17-27
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- Living Justified–Louie Heard
- Act the Miracle–John Piper
- What is Sin–John Piper
- The Flesh, The Spirit, and the Christian (44:41) – Jeff Schreve
- The Battle Within (45:23) – Jeff Schreve
Purpose: To identify what kind of spiritual fruit should be produced in a Spirit-filled Christians life.
Read: John 15:1-8; Matthew 5:1-12; Galatians 5:22-24; Ephesians 6:10-20
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- Abide In Christ – Francis Chan
- Living by the Spirit – Louie Heard
- A Lesson on Abiding – Louie Heard
- Behave Like God – Louie Heard
- Everyone Should Know This About the 9 Fruits of The Spirit – RC Sproul
Purpose: To willfully give back to the Lord and His mission and protect your heart from greed.
Read: Psalm 24:1-2; Genesis 14:17-20; Exodus 23:19; Proverb 3:19 & Matthew 23:23; 1 Chronicles 29:11-12
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- Earthly Flavor vs Godly Favor (37:18) – Louie Heard (Start at 27:09)
- The Treasure War (35:00) – Louie Heard – (Start at 22:48)
- John Piper on Money (6:29) – John Piper (Clip from Message)
- The Monster of Materialism (46:20) – Jeff Schreve
- Pharisaism, Money, and the Greatness of God (23:03) – John Piper
- Wealth Is Almost Always a Curse, Not a Blessing (3:58) – John Piper
- Thoughts on Tithing (6:53) – Dave Ramsey with Financial Peace University
Purpose: To humbly forgive others because God gracefully forgave you.
Read: Luke 7:36-50; Colossians 3:12-13; Romans 12:14-21; Luke 17:3-4
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- Bitterness, Justice, & Forgiveness (5:16) – John Piper
- Biblical Peacemaking II: Confronting and Forgiving (50:35) – Matt Chandler
- The Forgiveness Factor – Louie Heard
- Guard Your Heart from Anger – Louie Heard
- A Lesson about Forgiveness – Louie Heard
- Why Should You Care About Being Forgiven by God? (3:49) – John Piper
Purpose: To “joyfully” remain steadfast in following Jesus through life’s trials.
Read: Romans 5:1-5; Romans 15:1-7; 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; Galatians 6:6-10
After reading, discuss together the FIVE Piercing-Heart Questions.
- What does this Scripture teach us about God?
- What do we learn about mankind?
- What truths or principles can be extracted and understood to help you think like Jesus?
- How do these truths make you feel in your soul? (Silently meditate for a few moments before answering aloud.)
- How is the Holy Spirit leading you to act after dwelling on these Scriptures? (Provide at least one tangible, attainable action.
Extra Personal Study throughout the Month:
- Seven Reasons We Must Pursue Supreme Satisfaction in God – John Piper (1:05:45)
- Lies Beneath the Surface: God will not let me suffer – Louie Heard
- Cosmic Christmas: The Cosmic Birth – Louie Heard
- Endurance: How to Keep Going – John Piper